Usually the first Saturday in October. Preceded by the "Members Meeting".
You need to have an invitation.
i know the annual meeting is usually in october.
i can't seem to find the meeting dates anywhere online.
anyone know when it will be or how i can find out?.
Usually the first Saturday in October. Preceded by the "Members Meeting".
You need to have an invitation.
hi i want to tell my story and get advice.
i'm a single sister ( in usa) that has been baptized for 20 years.
i came from the world, so did not grow up in the truth and i have no family in the truth -- i am alone.. last year i met a brother & we did have premarital sex while we were dating.
Why go back for more of the same? You're free, take advantage of that fact and plan your future without a bunch of half-wits deciding what you should think and do.
George (A really old decrepit PIMO raised in from birth in the 1940's)
For the new donation arrangement, here in the UK it is £5.40/pub/month.
So for 139,000 publishers that's over £9 million/year. Extrapolate that world wide.
in this jw training video, an elder gets deleted because his daughter has "stumbled" other jw's by pursuing higher education.
@ 13.35 -
They are still banging on about HE in the August broadcast. Usual scene, lovely looking young female witness being encouraged to go to Uni by a teacher. She is of course the best student in the school, easily get a scholarship ...... Sorry, I don't want to spoil this for anyone planning to watch it!
The other teen is a guy who is fancied by the best looking girl.... well you know the score. He has to break it off.
Why was it that when I was at school the best lookers never fancied me? Possibly because I was a bit of a 50/60's yob.
Built to house the Bethel family through Armageddon. Rutherford would be ensconced in his bunker at Beth Shan.
Here in the UK others in the congregation are usually called "brothers" or "brothers and sisters". However we hear the term "friends" used quite a lot these days, usually on US WT media. Thursday's video about a CO couple is typical, "The FRIENDS were there to meet us". It sounds so false.
watched this video and was wondering if any of you recall seeing this video besides on this presenter's youtube platform.
anyway, watch it !
it is disgusting but enlightening.
I thought I had seen this somewhere:
(3023) Judah Ben Schroeder: The Little Boy Born at Bethel - YouTube
the only spirit-directed organization on earth never ceases to amaze me..
A video that lasts 1:56:03 and it's only Part 1? I'm sure I can spend whatever time I have left in more worthwhile pursuits.
watched this video and was wondering if any of you recall seeing this video besides on this presenter's youtube platform.
anyway, watch it !
it is disgusting but enlightening.
so he spoke with GB member Albert Schroeder about it.
Did not Schroeder's son, Ben Judah, go to university?
watched this video and was wondering if any of you recall seeing this video besides on this presenter's youtube platform.
anyway, watch it !
it is disgusting but enlightening.
Back in1969 they said if you are thinking of a 3 or 4 year college course you will never fulfil any career as Armageddon will be here before then. Those that graduated in the 1970's are now at or near retirement and the system is still going strong.
I went to Uni and never regretted it. The thought of a life as a pioneer and window cleaner makes me shudder.